Bridging divisions in the anthropology of religion

26 March, 2020

The new volume of Social Analysis (64, Issue 1) contains a special section, entitled ”Bridging Divisions in the Anthropology of Religion: Comparing Muslims and Christians in Shared Social Contexts”. Guest edited by Daan Beekers, the section consists of contributions by Daan Beekers, Omar Kasmini & Dominik Mattes, Hansjörg Dilger, and an afterword by Birgit Meyer.

While the anthropologies of Christianity and of Islam are thriving, much less attention is being paid to the methodological and conceptual possibilities and challenges of a comparative approach to these religious traditions in plural configurations. Offering ethnographically grounded perspectives on the study of religious coexistence, the contributions to this special section of Social Analysis identify blind spots in our analytical perspectives and invite to rethink the study of religious difference and similarity by taking multiplicity as conceptual and methodological default. Your find the special section (open access) by following this link.