With the publication of an essay of Birgit Meyer, entitled ”New vistas in studying religion and public life”, the Immanent Frame forum on rethinking public religion has now been fully posted. The forum explores a set of interlocking questions in the study of public religion via essays, videos and podcasts. More content will follow in the near future; you can use the mailing-list button on the general forum page to subscribe. This page is also your guide to the rest of the essays.
Click here for an overview of videos and here for the podcasts.
The Immanent Frame publishes interdisciplinary perspectives on religion, secularism, and the public sphere. Founded in October 2007 in conjunction with the Social Science Research Council’s program on Religion and the Public Sphere, The Immanent Frame features invited contributions and original essays, and serves as a forum for ongoing exchanges among leading thinkers from the social sciences and humanities.