Lecture and Interview Kwame Anthony Appiah

25 October, 2019

Philosopher Kwame Anthony Appiah is visiting the Netherlands to present his new book on identity, “The Lies That Bind.” Pooyan Tamimi Arab will interview him after his lecture at De Kleine Komedie in Amsterdam, on October 26th. The lecture is part of the Brainwash Festival, which announced Appiah’s contribution as follows:

“Where do you come from? What is your religion? To which group do you belong? According to philosopher Kwame Anthony Appiah, we reduce ourselves too much to these questions. Appiah warns us for the dangerous and polarizing aspects of identity talk. Kwame Anthony Appiah is one of the most influential philosophers of our time. Among other books, he wrote In my father’s house (1992) and The Ethics of Identity (2005). His most recent work The Lies that Bind: Rethinking Identity was published this year.”