PhD-thesis defence Francis Fogue Kuate on media, politics and religion in Northern Cameroon

11 December, 2017

On 12 December Francis Fogue Kuate will defend his PhD thesis in the University Hall. His thesis explores the interplay between media, politics and religion in Northern Cameroon, from the French colonial period (1916-1960) to the beginning of the 21st century. His research shows that media play a central role in shaping the debate on Muslims and Christians. Both religious groups use media for political competition and religious representativeness.

Start date and time: 12 December 2017 18:00

End date and time: 12 December 2017 19:15

Location: Senaatszaal, University Hall, Domplein 29, Utrecht

PhD candidate: Francis Fogue Kuate

Dissertation: Médias et coexistence entre musulmans et chrétiens au nord-Cameroun: de la période coloniale française au début du XXIème siècle

PhD supervisor(s): Prof. Birgit MeyerProf. Gilbert Lamblin Taguem Fah

Entrance fee: Free of charge

Registration: Not necessary

Click here for a report of the thesis.