Annemeik Schlatmann - 19 May, 2020 Body, Blogs

Year of birth: 1960
Current position: Project coordinator Religious Matters, Utrecht University
Past positions: PhD-candidate Religious Studies & Islamic Studies, Utrecht University (2008-2016)
As project coordinator within the research project Religious Matters in an Entangled World I am concerned with the organization, communication and planning of activities for the project.
The doctoral research I did earlier has common ground with the Religious Matters project. In my PhD research I studied Shia Islam as a lived religion in the Netherlands. I was especially interested in the processes of negotiation between religious prescriptions and Dutch customs. In 2016 I earned my doctoral degree with the dissertation titled ‘Shi’i Muslim youth in the Netherlands; negotiating Shi’i fatwas and rituals in the Dutch context’.
Annemeik Schlatmann, 2016, Shi’i Muslim youth in the Netherlands; negotiating Shi’i fatwas and rituals in the Dutch context, PhD dissertation, Utrecht University.
Annemeik Schlatmann, 2017, ‘Towards a United Shia Youth Community in the Netherlands; a ‘Dutch’ Muharram gathering’, Journal of Muslims in Europe, 2017, 6(2): 260-276
Annemeik Schlatmann - 19 May, 2020 Body, Blogs
Annemeik Schlatmann - 21 February, 2018 , Blogs