“Wir und die Anderen?”: short essay by Birgit Meyer in Rotary Magazin

2 September, 2021

The opening of the Humboldt Forum in Berlin is subject to heated public debates. Birgit Meyer contributed a short essay, in German, “Wir und die Anderen?” (“we and the others?”) to a special issue of the Rotary Magazin, titled “Alles nur geklaut?” (“All just stolen?” – weblink). She explains why anthropology is to play a central role in developing a new understanding of the world against the backdrop of the recognition of the colonial past and the ensuing global entanglements.

For a link to Meyer’s essay click here.

Via Rotary Magazin. Original caption and photo credit: Legba: Als „Hüter der Wegkreuzung“ vermitteln Legba-Figuren zwischen Menschen und Geistern. Diese Figur steht vor einem Haus in Benin zum Schutz der Bewohner © Louise Batalla Duran/Alamy Stock Photo.