Angelantonio Grossi - 14 August, 2021 , Blogs, Publications

Year of birth: 1987
Current position: PhD candidate Religious Studies, Utrecht University
As part of the Religious Materializations project, my research explores the interactions between three different religious traditions (Christianity, Islam, and so-called African Traditional Religion) in the context of contemporary Southern Ghana. The overall project explores the material dimension of digital infrastructures so as to shed light on the ways in which religious experiences find expression through digital media. One of the assumptions of the research is that the spread of digital technologies facilitated the creation of a new space in the Ghanaian public sphere in which also non-institutionalized religious actors can gain attention and recognition.
My research aims to address: i) the correlation between religious and non-religious movements in articulating the common presumptions about the role of digital media in contemporary societies; ii) the interaction between different religious traditions in terms of mediation practices; iii) the degree to which the Ghanaian diaspora in Europe gets involved in the aforementioned mediation practices.
A. Grossi. 2016. Perspectives on African Witchcraft: Witchcraft and Religion in the Process of Formation of the Public Space in Ghana. Routledge Anthropology.
Angelantonio Grossi - 22 August, 2019 Images, Objects, Blogs
Angelantonio Grossi - 12 October, 2018 Images, Objects, Blogs
Angelantonio Grossi - 30 July, 2017 Images, Blogs, Videos