Café Saqafat – Sufi music heritage in the times of the Coronavirus pandemic Religious Matters - 7 February, 2021 , Blogs
NL ”De mens als een autonoom individu?” Interview met Birgit Meyer in Trouw Birgit Meyer - 14 November, 2020 Body, News
NL Religieuze bijeenkomsten in Coronatijd: discours rond een uitzonderingsregel (II) Tim Bouwhuis - 9 October, 2020 Buildings, Blogs
”So, surely with hardship comes ease” (Quran 94:5): Seeking acceptance and the quest for unity during the Corona pandemic Religious Matters - 23 September, 2020 Buildings, Blogs
Speaking about the virus: the language of war in the Reformed Church in Zambia Religious Matters - 4 September, 2020 , Blogs
Brazil and Coronavirus: How Denialism, Religious Fundamentalism and Nectropolitics has Disproportionately Affected Women Religious Matters - 24 August, 2020 , Blogs
Blogs on #DossierCorona and transregional research on TRAFO Religious Matters - 23 August, 2020 , News