Cultivating the House of Mary: materialities of the National Basilica of Aparecida (PhD) Adriano Godoy - 3 March, 2021 Buildings, Images, Blogs, Publications
NL Religieus erfgoed: de kerk van alle kanten Birgit Meyer - 10 December, 2020 Buildings, News, Videos
NL Brabants mini-Sint Pieter: de studie van imitatie in de religiewetenschappen Religious Matters - 24 October, 2020 Buildings, Blogs
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”So, surely with hardship comes ease” (Quran 94:5): Seeking acceptance and the quest for unity during the Corona pandemic Religious Matters - 23 September, 2020 Buildings, Blogs
NL Digitale kick-off Netwerk Religieus Erfgoed op 17 September Religious Matters - 10 September, 2020 Buildings, Objects, News
Cross and Cupola: Religious Matters at the Berlin Stadtschloss Religious Matters - 15 June, 2020 Buildings, Objects, Blogs
Figurations and Sensations of the Unseen: podcast of an interview by Candace Mixon with Birgit Meyer and Terje Stordalen Birgit Meyer - 6 April, 2020 Buildings, Images, Objects, News, Publications