Religious Matters - 12 May, 2019 Images, Objects, Blogs
Veni-grant: Pooyan Tamimi Arab
Pooyan Tamimi Arab - 26 July, 2018 Buildings, Images, News
The Sacred Heart of Jesus
Birgit Meyer - 6 July, 2017 Images, Blogs
Lecture: Devotional images of the Prophet Muhammad
Pooyan Tamimi Arab - 28 April, 2017 Images, Videos
Lezing: Devotie-afbeeldingen van de profeet Mohammed
Pooyan Tamimi Arab - 28 April, 2017 Images, Blogs, News, Videos
Interviews with Birgit Meyer about ‘Sensational Movies’
Birgit Meyer - 18 April, 2017 Images, News, Publications