Alimentary Entanglements: Food, Materiality, and Religion (International Workshop) Margreet van Es - 10 November, 2022 , News
Report of the workshop “Refugees and Religious Tolerance in Europe” Religious Matters - 14 June, 2021 , Blogs, News
Workshop “Heritage out of Control”: Selected Presentations and Keynote by Birgit Meyer Birgit Meyer - 8 June, 2021 , News, Publications, Videos
Call for Papers: Religion and the Covid-19 Pandemic: Mediating Presence and Distance Religious Matters - 2 December, 2020 Body, News
Opening Food: Food and Eating in Plural Environments Birgit Meyer - 22 August, 2019 Food, Blogs, News
Religions and the image question: intensive research seminar at the KNIR Birgit Meyer - 30 May, 2019 Images, Objects, Blogs
A workshop on heritage, religion and difference in Berlin Religious Matters - 18 February, 2018 Objects, Blogs
Blog: Africa as a Site for Understanding Contemporary Religion Religious Matters - 6 February, 2018 , Blogs