Call for Papers: Religion and the Covid-19 Pandemic: Mediating Presence and Distance Religious Matters - 2 December, 2020 Body, News
”The image of violence and the study of material religion”: open access-article by Lucien van Liere Birgit Meyer - 22 October, 2020 Images, News, Publications
”So, surely with hardship comes ease” (Quran 94:5): Seeking acceptance and the quest for unity during the Corona pandemic Religious Matters - 23 September, 2020 Buildings, Blogs
Brazil and Coronavirus: How Denialism, Religious Fundamentalism and Nectropolitics has Disproportionately Affected Women Religious Matters - 24 August, 2020 , Blogs
The Politics of Purity, Disgust, and Contamination: new article by Rashida Alhassan Adum-Atta in ”Religions” Rashida Alhassan Adum-Atta - 16 August, 2020 Food, News, Publications
Viral devotionality and Christian solidarity in/beyond Borneo Religious Matters - 30 June, 2020 Images, Blogs