Disabled Gods? Reflections on religious artefacts and the construction of bodily difference in the museum Religious Matters - 11 May, 2021 Body, Objects, Blogs
NL Nieuw artikel in Trouw over de herbestemming van Nederlandse kerkgebouwen Elza Kuyk - 7 May, 2021 Buildings, News, Publications
Video: Panel Discussion on the Volume “Refugees and Religion” Birgit Meyer - 1 May, 2021 , Publications, Videos
Writing Religious Expression and Performing Ecstatic Encounters in Text Religious Matters - 30 April, 2021 Body, Texts, Blogs
NL Aandacht voor Utrechts onderzoek in ‘Volzin’: “Het onderscheid tussen ‘radicale’ versus ‘gematigde’ moslims is problematisch” Margreet van Es - 28 April, 2021 , News, Publications
New publication by Margreet van Es, Nina ter Laan and Erik Meinema in ‘Religion’: Beyond the Frame of “Radical” versus “Moderate”? Margreet van Es - 26 April, 2021 , News, Publications