What is Religion in Africa? New open access-article by Birgit Meyer Birgit Meyer - 12 August, 2021 , News, Publications
NL Passanten verkennen kerkgebouwen op vakantie, maar waarom? Opiniestuk Elza Kuyk in ND Elza Kuyk - 11 August, 2021 Buildings, Blogs, Publications
Enlightening religion: Light and darkness in religious knowledge and knowledge about religion Birgit Meyer - 31 July, 2021 , News, Publications
Two Postdoc positions: “Pressing Matter – Ownership, Value and the Question of Colonial Heritage in Museums”(3 years, 0.8 FTE) Religious Matters - 27 July, 2021 Objects, News
PhD position on material religion in Africa (4 years, 1.0 FTE) Religious Matters - 27 July, 2021 , News
The modern Olympic Games and the material dimension of ‘worldview’ Tim Bouwhuis - 22 July, 2021 , Blogs