NL ‘De Heer zit weer op Solder’: blog van Elza Kuijk op het Utrecht Religie Forum Elza Kuyk - 8 September, 2020 , News, Publications
”Beyond Corona” (”Jenseits von Corona”): new volume with an essay by Birgit Meyer Birgit Meyer - 7 September, 2020 , News, Publications
NL Video-opname van KNAW-webinar over ”Religie, wetenschap en politiek in tijden van Corona” Birgit Meyer - 6 September, 2020 , News, Videos
Speaking about the virus: the language of war in the Reformed Church in Zambia Religious Matters - 4 September, 2020 , Blogs
NL Webinar brengt zingevingsvragen over pandemie bij elkaar: artikel in het ND Birgit Meyer - 3 September, 2020 , News, Publications
Brazil and Coronavirus: How Denialism, Religious Fundamentalism and Nectropolitics has Disproportionately Affected Women Religious Matters - 24 August, 2020 , Blogs