Bridging divisions in the anthropology of religion Birgit Meyer - 26 March, 2020 , News, Publications
The Thing about Religion: interview with David Morgan Birgit Meyer - 20 March, 2020 Buildings, Food, Images, Objects, Texts, Blogs
Nourishing the Divine between suq and supermarket: Food practices among Belgian and Dutch converts in Morocco Nina ter Laan - 4 March, 2020 Food, Blogs
NL Elza Kuyk geïnterviewd over meervoudig gebruikte kerkgebouwen Elza Kuyk - 3 March, 2020 Buildings, News, Publications
Drinking the Written Qu’ran: PhD-defence of Hanna Nieber Erik Meinema - 2 March, 2020 Objects, Texts, Blogs